Monday, 13 April 2009

Bonus Blog From Hong Kong

And we told you yesterday was going to be our last blog from Hong Kong.....!!!!!!

Due to unforeseen circumstances (we're bored shiteless waiting in the hotel lobby for our airport shuttle bus to arrive) we'd thought we'd put a last minute blog on...

We've had an amazing day today... got up about 4 hours ago, packed the rooom, dumped our bags and wandered around the shopping centre looking at stuff... before grabbing some food and heading back to our hotel to catch the bus....

Can't wait to get to Sydney!!!!

Lucy and Lee


  1. hi lucy and lee
    take care safe journey hope to talk to you soon missing you like crazy bye hugs and kissers mum dad xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hello Lee and Lucy

    We have just been reading all your postings, sounds and looks like you are having a great time. Dunc has been having a great time this bank holiday weekend painting the nursery ready for baby Baldwin!

    We look forward to seeing your blogs from Australia, take care of each other.

    Love Caroline and Duncan xx
